Supporting Children and Teens During this Holiday Season
Helping Children Cope: Trinka and Sam Fighting the Big Virus: Trinka Sam and Littletown Work Together
Sources of Stress: Trinka and Sam Stress and Support
Rosie Remembers Mommy: Forever in Her Heart
COVID-19 Tip Sheet Talking to Children
10 – Minute Nourishing Breath Meditation
A Guide for Assisting Colleagues with Substance Use Disorder
Ask Lisa: How Do I Boost Mental Health in 2022? (29:00)
Becoming Wildly Resilient: Raising Resilient Children (59:00)
Becoming Wildly Resilient: Supporting a Culture of Self-Care (47:30)
Guided Self-Compassion Practice
Health Policy Minute Episode 29: Structural Racism and COVID 19
Provide Support for Drug-Free Workplaces: Support Through EAP
Self-Care for Social Workers During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Single Parenting During the Coronavirus Crisis
TED Talk: The Science and Power of Hope, Chad Hellman (20:27)
TED Talk: The Power of Believing That You Can Improve, Carol Dweck (10:11)
That Discomfort You Are Feeling is Grief (Harvard Business Review)
Tips for Interacting with Survivors and Victims’ Family Members
Treatment and Recovery Resources in Kentucky
University of Kentucky Announces Walking Labyrinth for Contemplation and Meditation